
Centralized Rate Set Management

Control your entire rate lifecycle from import to distribution. Create, approve, and assign rate sets across your organization with complete visibility and control.

Get access

Comprehensive tools for managing your shipping rates

Import and Customize

Create rate sets from carrier contracts or build custom rate sets

Control Activation

Manage rate set approvals, reviews, and activation

Assign Access

Assign rate sets and access across your sub-accounts

How Rate Management Works

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Step 1
Import Rate Sets
  • Upload carrier contract files or create custom rate sets using our rate builder. Support for multiple file formats ensures easy onboarding.
Step 2
Configure and Customize
  • Fine-tune your rate sets with customization tools. Add surcharges, adjust margins, or create special rates for specific customers or groups.
Step 3
Review and Approve
  • Implement your approval workflow to ensure accuracy and compliance. Designated approvers can review and validate rate sets before activation.
Step 4
Set Activation Schedule
  • Schedule rate set activation dates to align with contract terms. Manage effective dates and expiration to ensure rates are always current.
Step 5
Assign Access
  • Control rate set visibility and access across your organization. Assign rate sets to specific sub-accounts, teams, or individual users.

Learn more about rate set management

Take control of your rates
